Hashtags are keywords preceded by a # symbol. Hashtags allow you to easily connect your content with other videos or playlists which share the same hashtag on YouTube and YouTube Music. Hashtags also allow viewers and listeners to find related content via search.
[Tag] Top Playlist
Once saved to a playlist title or description, hashtags work like clickable links. Hashtags in the title and description will link to a results page featuring other videos and playlists sharing the hashtag.
Playlist tags are simple, quick way to organise your playlists. Adding tags to playlists lets you organise and sort your catalogue according to whatever categories make sense for your business: you could tag the type of job (television commercials or online), the genre, or the type of assets (instrumentals or demos).
Filtering your playlists by tags lets you quickly sort your playlists and find the playlists you're looking for. To filter by your tags, click the dropdown at the top right of the playlists column, and choose Filter by tags:
Coming back to the first comment on this idea I'd like to mention that there are already several ways to combine Last.fm tags with Spotify content. The latest feature is the Spotify on-demand playback on Last.fm since January which also works with global or personal tag radios which you might have created there. It means that you can import the first 70 listed tracks from a Last.fm tag radio page and play those tracks in Spotify. Here's an example with my "Rockpalast" tag: =rockpalast&view=list Just click on any play button there, and the list will be automatically imported and played in either your Spotify desktop software or web player. This list can also be exported in TSV format and directly converted to a Spotify playlist with www.ivyishere.org.
I use spotify as a planning and discovery tool for a church worship setting. Tagging gives me the ability to categorize within a playlist. For example, I want a playlist of all the music we have done already because that it what I will plan from mostly, but within that playlist I want to be able to see which songs fit a certain musical style or tempo or even a lyrical theme that might fit with a message. It sounds like im asking for something advanced, but tags fix all of this. It would make spotify a much more diverse tool not just for recreation for musical professionals.
For example, say that I subscribe to a playlist and want to hear only the instrumental songs. Then I would like to be able to filter this playlist with tag:instrumental. If I then got a song which was in fact not an instrumental, I could mark it as erroneously tagged, and if some number of people did this, then this official tag would be removed. (People's self-defined tags would not be possible to remove like this.)
As I pointed out in my playlist tagging post ( -Ideas/Playlist-tags/idi-p/827267 ), it saves on storage and it gives additional input for the discovery mode as they can show me what others have marked with the same tags as the ones I'm using.
I think, service that will implement tags first will win a lot of permanent customers. I'm a Deezer user, but I would change the service if I get tags and better way to organize music (favourites back, filters,automatic playlists).
To select a video, use the playlist menu in the top right corner of the video player. Unfortunately, some videos from the playlist are temporarily unavailable as we are moving to a new video streaming platform.
Today's playlist features the premiere of Stellie's "Colours", some top-class funk from the Brooks, Berne's eco-conscious electropop, clever indie-pop from Maude Latour, Jaguar Jonze rocking the mic, and Meresha's "alien pop". 2ff7e9595c